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Portrait of Freddi Segal Gidan

Freddi Segal-Gidan, PA, PhD (USC/Rancho PI )

Dr. Segal-Gidan is currently director and of the USC/Rancho California Alzheimers Disease Center (CADC) located at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey. She is a member of the clinical and research staff with the NIH-funded USC Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC), and serves as the leader of the outreach, recruitment and education (ORE) core.

Dr. Segal-Gidal’s professional career as clinician, researcher and educator has been devoted to improving the care of older adults, and for the past three decades focused primarily on those with dementia, along with other conditions that impact cognitive function. She became the co-director of the USC/Rancho ARCC, and for the past fifteen years have been the director of the (renamed) USC-Rancho California Alzheimer's Disease Center).

Dr. Segal-Gidan has been affiliated with the federally funded USC Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) since her post-doctoral fellowship in Neurobiology and Aging, and as part of the USC-Rancho CADC which serves as part of the Clinical Core for the USC ADRC. Most recently she served 3 yrs as the director of the USC ADRC’s Outreach and Recruitment Core. Dr. Segal-Gidan was a co-investigator for the LALES-cog project of the USC ADRC, participated in the clinical evaluation of research subjects for the NIH-NIA Aging Brain Program Project, and continue to perform clinical evaluations for patients involved in the USC-

Portrait of Freddi Segal Gidan

Freddi Segal-Gidan, PA, PhD (USC/Rancho PI )

Dr. Segal-Gidan is currently director and of the USC/Rancho California Alzheimers Disease Center (CADC) located at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey. She is a member of the clinical and research staff with the NIH-funded USC Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC), and serves as the leader of the outreach, recruitment and education (ORE) core.

Dr. Segal-Gidal’s professional career as clinician, researcher and educator has been devoted to improving the care of older adults, and for the past three decades focused primarily on those with dementia, along with other conditions that impact cognitive function. She became the co-director of the USC/Rancho ARCC, and for the past fifteen years have been the director of the (renamed) USC-Rancho California Alzheimer's Disease Center).

Dr. Segal-Gidan has been affiliated with the federally funded USC Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) since her post-doctoral fellowship in Neurobiology and Aging, and as part of the USC-Rancho CADC which serves as part of the Clinical Core for the USC ADRC. Most recently she served 3 yrs as the director of the USC ADRC’s Outreach and Recruitment Core. Dr. Segal-Gidan was a co-investigator for the LALES-cog project of the USC ADRC, participated in the clinical evaluation of research subjects for the NIH-NIA Aging Brain Program Project, and continue to perform clinical evaluations for patients involved in the USC-

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