This Dementia Care Aware webinar titled “Dementia Care Pathways in Primary Care: From Screening to Care and Action” is the twenty-eighth in the series that discusses the key steps of a care pathway for dementia from early detection to care plan.
- Anna Chodos, MD, MPH, Executive Director of Dementia Care Aware
This Dementia Care Aware webinar titled “Dementia Care Aware: Exciting Updates and New Horizons” is the twenty-seventh in the series that discusses Dementia Care Aware’s offerings, achievements, and future goals.
- Anna Chodos, MD, MPH, Executive Director of Dementia Care Aware
- Zia Agha, MD, Chief Medical Officer and EVP Clinical Research, Medical Informatics and Telehealth at West Health
This Dementia Care Aware webinar titled “Primary Care’s Role in Assessing Decision-Making in Patients with Dementia – A Medical-Legal Perspective” is the twenty-sixth in the series that discusses the principles of legal capacity and how to apply capacity principles to situations involving medical providers.
- Caleb E. Logan, Esq. Staff Attorney at Elder Law & Advocacy
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